Valev, VK;    Zheng, X;    Biris, CG;    Silhanek, AV;    Volskiy, V;    De Clercq, B;    Aktsipetrov, OA;                 ... Moshchalkov, VV; + view all <#>        Valev, VK;  Zheng, X;  Biris, CG;  Silhanek, AV;  Volskiy, V;  De Clercq, B;  Aktsipetrov, OA;  Ameloot, M;  Panoiu, NC;  Vandenbosch, GAE;  Moshchalkov, VV;   - view fewer <#>    (2011)    The origin of second harmonic generation hotspots in chiral optical metamaterials [Invited].                   Optical Materials Express , 1  (1)   36 -45.    10.1364/OME.1.000036 <>.       Green open access