%D 2013
%L discovery1416553
%T Terahertz imaging of sub-wavelength particles with Zenneck surface waves
%O © 2013 Author(s).. All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
%V 103
%A M Navarro-Cia
%A M Natrella
%A F Dominec
%A JC Delagnes
%A P Kuzel
%A P Mounaix
%A C Graham
%A CC Renaud
%A AJ Seeds
%A O Mitrofanov
%X Impact of sub-wavelength-size dielectric particles on Zenneck surface waves on planar metallic antennas is investigated at terahertz (THz) frequencies with THz near-field probe microscopy. Perturbations of the surface waves show the particle presence, despite its sub-wavelength size. The experimental configuration, which utilizes excitation of surface waves at metallic edges, is suitable for THz imaging of dielectric sub-wavelength size objects. As a proof of concept, the effects of a small strontium titanate rectangular particle and a titanium dioxide sphere on the surface field of a bow-tie antenna are experimentally detected and verified using full-wave simulations.
%N 22