TI  - Magnetically tunable singlet-triplet spin qubit in a four-electron InGaAs coupled quantum dot
Y1  - 2013/11/01/
SN  - 2045-2322
AV  - public
N2  - A pair of self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots filled with two electrons can act as a singlet-triplet spin qubit
that is robust against nuclear spin fluctuations as well as charge noise. This results in a T2* coherence time
two orders of magnitude longer than that of a single electron, provided the qubit is operated at a particular
??sweet spot?? in gate voltage. However, at this fixed operating point the ground-state splitting can no longer
be tuned into resonance with e.g. another qubit, limiting the options for coupling multiple qubits. Here, we
propose using a four-electron coupled quantum dot to implement a singlet-triplet qubit that features a
magnetically tunable level splitting. As a first step towards full experimental realization of this qubit design,
we use optical spectroscopy to demonstrate the tunability of the four-electron singlet-triplet splitting in a
moderate magnetic field.
ID  - discovery1410660
UR  - http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep03121
N1  - © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0

PubMed ID: 24177037
VL  - 3
KW  - Qubits; Quantum information
A1  - Weiss, KM
A1  - Miguel-Sanchez, J
A1  - Elzerman, JM
ER  -