Kuttatheyil, AV; Laessig, D; Lincke, J; Kobalz, M; Baias, M; Koenig, K; Hofmann, J; ... Bertmer, M; + view all <#> Kuttatheyil, AV; Laessig, D; Lincke, J; Kobalz, M; Baias, M; Koenig, K; Hofmann, J; Krautscheid, H; Pickard, CJ; Haase, J; Bertmer, M; - view fewer <#> (2013) Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Solid-State NMR Investigations of Heteronuclear Zn/Co Coordination Networks - A Comparative Study. Inorganic Chemistry , 52 (8) 4431 - 4442. 10.1021/ic302643w <https://doi.org/10.1021/ic302643w>. Green open access