%V 10 %P 131-174 %D 2012 %C Palo Alto, California, USA %N 7 %K Academic inquiry, The university, Global problems, Knowledge, Wisdom, Science, Social inquiry, Philosophy, Rationality, Religion %B Death and anti-death: Volume 10: Ten years after John Rawls (1921-2002) %T Our global problems and what we need to do about them %X How can what is of value associated with our human world exist and best flourish embedded as it is in the physical universe? Or, as we may put it, how can the God-of-Cosmic-Value exist and best flourish embedded as it is in the God-of-Cosmic-Power? This, I argue, is our fundamental problem – fundamental in both intellectual and practical terms. Here, I tackle the practical aspect of the problem. I consider briefly five global problems – climate change, war, population growth, world poverty, habitat destruction and extinction of species – and argue that, in order to solve them it is essential to bring about a revolution in universities round the world so that the basic aim becomes wisdom and not just knowledge. I conclude by indicating recent developments which suggest the revolution may already be underway. %E C Tandy %E M Lee %I Ria University Press %L discovery1388878 %A N Maxwell %O Reproduced with kind permission from Dr Tandy for Ria University Press. © 2012 Ria University Press