%A PT Fernandes %A ALA Noronha %A JW Sander %A LM Li %J ARQ NEURO-PSIQUIAT %O All the content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License %I ASSOC ARQUIVOS NEURO- PSIQUIATRIA %L discovery1349660 %X Purpose: To assess the perception of epilepsy stigma in different regions of Brazil. Method: The Stigma Scale of Epilepsy (SSE) questionnaire was applied to people in different Brazilian urban settings. The survey was performed on individual basis; an interviewer read the questions to the subjects and wrote down the answers. The same procedure was applied to all the subjects and took around 10 minutes. Results: 266 questionnaires were completed in four different towns of Brazil (Curitiba=83; Sao Paulo=47; Vila Velha=79; Ipatinga=57). The overall stigma score was 49.7 (median). Different scores were obtained in each locality. Vila Velha=42; Curitiba=49; Sao Paulo=52; Ipatinga=54 (ANOVA [2.262]=3.82; p=0.01). Conclusion: This study showed differences in the perception of stigma, which may depend on cultural and regional aspects. The concept of stigma has cultural perspectives, depending on the region and the context where each person lives. The understanding of this aspect of epilepsy is important to promote better de-stigmatization campaigns, considering the cultural and social differences. %D 2008 %K stigma, epilepsy, stigma scale, quality of life, PUBLIC-ATTITUDES, LIFE %N 3A %T Stigma scale of epilepsy - The perception of epilepsy stigma in different cities in Brazil %P 471 - 476 %V 66