N2  - This paper introduces a methodology to analyse design linkographs by quantifying entropy at each single move throughout the design process. The method adopts the deterministic information theory proposed by Titchener [1], [2], [3] to develop a quantitative model aiming to highlight the significant nodes by coding the dependency relations (backlinks and forelinks) into character strings of information. Two computational methods are suggested to quantify T-code sets on a micro-level at every single utterance. This proposition is intended to capture repetition of patterns and hierarchy in the linkograph pattern. This quantitative approach is integrated with a qualitative model of judging sketching episodes and evaluating the relations between the instantaneously evolved products during the design process such as the interim sketches. The results point at significant correlations between quantitative and qualitative models on the key nodes to occur in the process to identify the emergence of novel ideas and describe design creativity.
UR  - https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1349252/
ID  - discovery1349252
Y1  - 2014/07//
TI  - On an integrated analytical approach to describe quality design process in light of deterministic information theory
AV  - public
PB  - Springer
A1  - El-Khouly, TAI
A1  - Penn, A
N1  - This is the author's accepted version of this published article. The final publication is available at Springer - DOI not available at time of entry.
ER  -