%P 449-457 %D 2012 %V 6 %A RG Clegg %A S Isam %A I Kanaras %A I Darwazeh %T A practical system for improved efficiency in frequency division multiplexed wireless networks %N 4 %X Spectral efficiency is a key design issue for all wireless communication systems. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a very well-known technique for efficient data transmission over many carriers overlapped in frequency. Recently, several studies have appeared that describe spectrally efficient variations of multi-carrier systems where the condition of orthogonality is dropped. Proposed techniques suffer from two weaknesses: firstly, the complexity of generating the signal is increased. Secondly, the signal detection is computationally demanding. Known methods suffer either unusably high complexity or high error rates because of the inter-carrier interference. This study addresses both problems by proposing new transmitter and receiver architectures whose design is based on using the simplification that a rational spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM) system can be treated as a set of overlapped and interleaving OFDM systems. The efficacy of the proposed designs is shown through detailed simulation of systems with different signal types and carrier dimensions. The decoder is heuristic but in practice produces very good results that are close to the theoretical best performance in a variety of settings. The system is able to produce efficiency gains of up to 20% with negligible impact on the required signal-to-noise ratio. %O This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions. %I INST ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY-IET %L discovery1346899 %K intercarrier interference, OFDM modulation, radio networks, radio receivers, radio transmitters %J IET Communications