%0 Journal Article %@ 0108-7681 %A Bardwell, DA %A Adjiman, CS %A Arnautova, YA %A Bartashevich, E %A Boerrigter, SXM %A Braun, DE %A Cruz-Cabeza, AJ %A Day, GM %A Della Valle, RG %A Desiraju, GR %A van Eijck, BP %A Facelli, JC %A Ferraro, MB %A Grillo, D %A Habgood, M %A Hofmann, DWM %A Hofmann, F %A Jose, KVJ %A Karamertzanis, PG %A Kazantsev, AV %A Kendrick, J %A Kuleshova, LN %A Leusen, FJJ %A Maleev, AV %A Misquitta, AJ %A Mohamed, S %A Needs, RJ %A Neumann, MA %A Nikylov, D %A Orendt, AM %A Pal, R %A Pantelides, CC %A Pickard, CJ %A Price, LS %A Price, SL %A Scheraga, HA %A van de Streek, J %A Thakur, TS %A Tiwari, S %A Venuti, E %A Zhitkov, IK %D 2011 %F discovery:1338778 %J Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science %N 6 %P 535 - 551 %T Towards crystal structure prediction of complex organic compounds - a report on the fifth blind test %U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1338778/ %V 67 %Z The article is published under a license that is identical to the Creative Commons Attribution Licence [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/uk/legalcode]. This Creative Commons England and Wales Public Licence enables You (all capitalised terms defined below) to view, edit, modify, translate and distribute Works worldwide, provided that You credit the Original Author. PubMed ID: 22101543