%0 Journal Article %@ 0022-1120 %A Trinh, P %A Chapman, SJ %A Vanden-Broeck, J %D 2011 %F discovery:1333085 %I Cambridge University Press %J Journal of Fluid Mechanics %K surface gravity waves, wave–structure interactions %P 413 - 439 %T Do waveless ships exist? Results for single-cornered hulls %U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1333085/ %V 685 %X Consider low-speed potential flow past a ship modelled as a semi-infinite two-dimensional body with constant draught. Is it possible to design the hull in such a way as to eliminate the waves produced downstream of the ship? In 1977, Vanden-Broeck & Tuck had conjectured that a single-cornered piecewise-linear hull will always generate a wake; in this paper, we show how recently developed tools in exponential asymptotics can be used to confirm this conjecture. In particular, we show how the formation of waves near a ship is a necessary consequence of singularities in the ship’s geometry (or its analytic continuation). Comprehensive numerical computations confirm the analytical predictions. %Z © 2011 Cambridge University Press