%0 Thesis
%9 Doctoral
%A Sorokowski, A.D.
%B School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies
%D 1991
%F discovery:1318022
%I University of London
%T The Greek-Catholic parish clergy in Galicia, 1900-1939
%U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1318022/
%X Between 1900 and 1939 the Greek-Catholic parish clergy in  Galicia underwent a transformation of its social, national, political  and cultural consciousness. In part this was the result of the  political changes taking place in the province, as its Ruthenian  population developed a Ukrainian national consciousness expressed  during the interregnum between Austrian and Polish rule by the  creation of the Western Ukrainian Popular Republic, and later, in the  increasingly restrictive atmosphere of inter-war Poland, by the  activity of both moderate and radical nationalist groups. In part this  transformation was conditioned by the decline of the priestly caste  and the rise of a new type of priest, usually a celibate of village origin.  The transformation was also the result of a conscious programme  initiated by Metropolitan Andrei Sheptyts'kyi to raise the moral and  educational level of the clergy. To this end he reformed the L'viv  seminary, established a theological academy, and organised full  seminaries in Stanyslaviv and Peremyshl'. This prepared the parish  priest to deal with a growingly nationalistic and often anti-clerical  intelligentsia, and a village coming increasingly under its influence.  At the same time, the parish clergy evolved a new sense of its  identity, gradually abandoning the Russophile orientation of the Old  Ruthenians and adopting first Ruthenian populism, then Ukrainian  nationalism. Thus they found common cause with the secular  intelligentsia. However, the Ukrainian orientation forced them to  redefine the Eastern Ukrainian tradition in a manner compatible  with Catholicism, and to formulate their stance towards Orthodoxy  and the Kievan Byzantine tradition. Though split between  Byzantinists and Westernisers, the clergy developed a strong sense of  their place as leaders of Galician Ukrainian society, albeit in  occasional competition with the nationalist intelligentsia, and of  their mission as bearers of Catholicism in the East.
%Z Thesis digitised by British Library EThOS. Third party copyright material has been removed.