N2  - This paper presents a laser based auto-stereoscopic 3D display technique and a prototype utilizing a dual projector light engine. The solution described is able to form dynamic exit pupils under the control of a multi-user head-tracker. A prototype completed recently is able to provide a glasses-free solution for a single user at a fixed position. At the end of the prototyping phase it is expected to enable a multiple user interface with an integration of the pupil tracker and the spatial light modulator.
KW  - 3D Display
KW  -  Laser Scanning
KW  -  pupil tracking
KW  -  auto-stereoscopic
KW  -  dynamic exit pupil
KW  -  laser display
KW  -  three colour lasers
KW  -  uniformity
KW  -  speckle
KW  -  microlens array
KW  -  microlens diffuser
KW  -  liquid crystal
KW  -  SLM
KW  -  Spatial Light Modulator
UR  - http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/3DTV.2011.5877226
A1  - Aksit, K
A1  - Olcer, S
A1  - Erden, E
A1  - Kishore, VC
A1  - Urey, H
A1  - Willman, E
A1  - Baghsiahi, H
A1  - Day, SE
A1  - Selviah, DR
A1  - Fernandez, FA
A1  - Surman, P
CY  - Piscataway, US
EP  -  2021
AV  - public
TI  - Light engine and optics for HELIUM3D auto-stereoscopic laser scanning display
ID  - discovery1317557
SP  - 2161 
N1  - © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
Y1  - 2011/05/18/
ER  -