VL  - 67
SP  - 205 
JF  - Algebra Universalis
A1  - Egrot, R
A1  - Hirsch, R
TI  - Completely representable lattices
Y1  - 2012///
SN  - 0002-5240
AV  - public
N2  - t is known that a lattice is representable as a ring of sets iff the lattice is distributive. CRL is the class of bounded distributive lattices (DLs) which have representations preserving arbitrary joins and meets. jCRL is the class of DLs which have representations preserving arbitrary joins, mCRL is the class of DLs which have representations preserving arbitrary meets, and biCRL is defined to be the intersection of jCRL and mCRL. We prove CRL is a strict subset of biCRL which is a strict subset of both jCRL and mCRL. Let L be a DL. Then L is in mCRL iff L has a distinguishing set of complete, prime filters. Similarly, L is in jCRL iff L has a distinguishing set of completely prime filters, and L is in CRL iff L has a distinguishing set of complete, completely prime filters. Each of the classes above is shown to be pseudo-elementary and hence closed under ultraproducts. The class CRL is not closed under elementary equivalence, hence it is not elementary.
IS  - 3
ID  - discovery1056690
UR  - http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00012-012-0181-4
EP  -  217
ER  -