%D 2024 %N 1 %O This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions. %V 1 %A Joe Penny %A Amy Horton %J Finance and Space %L discovery10198750 %P 406-412 %T Race, resistance and the speculative city: reflections from London %I Informa UK Limited %K Real estate, Local state, Financialisation, Race, Resistance %X Internationally, speculative real estate development has become an increasingly central means for states to raise revenue and to govern urban space. This ‘speculative city’ regime is a product of the economic dominance of property investment and the financialisation of urban land; of state transformation across different scales; and of racialised hierarchies of urban citizenship. Challenging these forces is difficult. But, drawing on research in Tottenham, we identify how a broad community coalition successfully disrupted the speculative city – through a combination of tactics within and against the state. The ‘StopHDV’ campaign offers insights for actors seeking to contest racialised speculative urbanism.