Alshahrani, A; Mohni, I; Ajisafe, A; Furi, M; Houde, M; Sadasivuni, S; Engelbrecht, G; ... Ducci, A; + view all <#> Alshahrani, A; Mohni, I; Ajisafe, A; Furi, M; Houde, M; Sadasivuni, S; Engelbrecht, G; Bulat, G; Talibi, M; Balachandran, R; Ducci, A; - view fewer <#> (2024) Investigation of Viscor and Methanol Spray Dynamics Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition in Siemens Energy Industrial Atomisers (GT2024-126663). In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2024. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): London, UK.