%T Semantic Mapping Analysis of Digital Building LogBook/Passport Models
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%P 308-315
%D 2024
%I European Council on Computing in Construction
%L discovery10197854
%J Proceedings of the European Conference on Computing in Construction
%C Chania, Crete, Greece
%A S Karami
%A JP de Almeida
%A C Ellul
%A A Cardoso
%V 2024
%K Digital Building Passport, Digital Building LogBook, Semantic mapping, Net zero
%B Proceedings of the 2024 European Conference on Computing in Construction
%X A Digital Building LogBook/Passport (DBL/DBP) is a repository for static "as built" and dynamic "Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)" throughout the life cycle of the buildings. This ongoing research uses the semantic mapping approach to analyse and compare the current recommended DBL/DBP models to identify the similarities/ differences between them. The findings of this investigation show that due to the lack of comparison studies on DBL/DBP models in academic literature, the similarity percentage between proposed categories and elements is very low, and a knowledge-based method would be needed that makes the comparison not straightforward. In particular, the lack of metadata caused an increasing uncertainty percentage of elements. The focus of this paper is on assessing the DBL/DBP models (comparison of categories and elements, metadata evaluation), furtherwork is needed to develop an integrated model.