%0 Thesis
%9 Doctoral
%A Bernini, Alexis Winston
%B Electronic & Electrical Engineering
%D 2024
%F discovery:10197325
%I UCL (University College London)
%P 151
%T Analogue Homodyne Coherent Optical Receiver for Ground to Satellite Communications
%U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10197325/
%X The research presented in this thesis focuses on the development of a testbed for the emulation of atmospheric turbulence in a laboratory environment, and the subsequent testing of a homodyne coherent receiver to establish its resilience in a ground to satellite link. A testbed for atmospheric turbulence emulation is constructed. The aim is to both generate programmable short fades, from the tens of microseconds up to hundreds of milliseconds up to 10 dB deep, and to emulate the phase distortion that the optical beam would be subject to while travelling through the atmosphere. This equivalent enables the emulation of scintillation indexes from 2.4 down to 0.05. The receiver under test is an analogue homodyne coherent receiver, based on an Optical Injection Phase-Lock Loop (OIPLL). This receiver allows analogue frequency and phase locking to the incoming signal. The OIPLL receiver was selected because of its low power consumption and its flexibility. The low power consumption makes this receiver an alternative to the established Digital Signal Processing (DSP) based coherent receivers. The OIPLL receiver was shown to provide power saving between 66% and 96% for BPSK links at 10 Gbaud and 100 Gbaud at the receiver. This receiver architecture does not need redesign if the baud rate or constellation structure is changed; as long as a carrier is present for Optical Injection Locking (OIL) to be achieved. A measured normalised re-locking time of approximately 50 ms was observed. Under pseudo-random turbulence, in a weak turbulence scenario, the receiver operated with an availability greater than 90 %. Under moderate to strong turbulence, the OIPLL’s performance was shown to be comparable to an ideal receiver.
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