%I UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose %S IPP Policy Brief %L discovery10196793 %X The SDGs propose a new approach to global governance through goal setting, bringing together both novel reporting components as well elements from already existing reporting frameworks. Halfway through the 2030 Agenda, the centrality of data and reporting to the SDGs is receiving renewed attention. However, much of the focus remains on the challenges posed by the SDG reporting framework. Our initial research has indicated that the relationship between the ‘transformative commitments’ of the SDGs and data has been under-theorised in the literature. In the spirit of SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals, this key finding sparked a collaboration between SDSN UK and the ONS to develop a preliminary conceptual framework which articulates and synthesises the unique features of data and reporting for the SDGs. The framework is intended to enable a more systematic exploration of the relationship between data and the transformative nature of the sustainable development agenda, and identify potential solutions for addressing SDG data challenges. %C London, UK %O This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions. %A Kate Roll %A Charles Beaudry %A Anca Tacu %A Graham Long %T A novel framework to conceptualise data challenges posed by the SDGs %N No.28 %D 2024