%L discovery10196383
%J Planning Theory
%I SAGE Publications
%O This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions.
%X Planners - both practitioners and scholars - are operating in a world where politicians are in pursuit of economic growth, apparently with public support, and yet the catastrophic evidence of climate crisis and ecological overshoot is increasingly apparent. While many have espoused ecological modernisation, increased resource efficiency and green deals as the way to resolve this contradiction, the difficulties in achieving absolute decoupling of economic activity and resource use are becoming increasingly obvious. Federico Savini is a leading light among a group of scholars exploring degrowth ways of thinking and their relationship to planning. His latest contribution in Planning Theory is a significant advance in confronting planning theory and practice with degrowth ideas.
%A Yvonne Rydin
%T A postgrowth response to Savini’s degrowth vision
%D 2024