%0 Generic %A Mazzucato, Mariana %A Doyle, Sarah %A Kuehn Von Burgsdorff, Luca %C London, UK %D 2024 %F discovery:10196036 %I UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose %N 2024/09 %T Mission-Oriented Industrial Strategy: Global Insights %U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10196036/ %X Industrial strategy is experiencing a renaissance. Getting the details right matter. Mission-oriented industrial strategy needs to be more than words if we want to avoid missions becoming part of the problem, not the solution. This report is based on research conducted over the past several years, led by Professor Mazzucato and her team at IIPP. It offers practical insights gained from work with governments around the world – on opportunities ranging from healthy and sustainable housing estates in our local Camden Council to the ecological transition in Brazil – that are advancing new approaches to bring economic, social, and environmental policy goals into alignment at the centre of their growth strategies. The report offers a one-stop-shop for how to design, implement, and govern mission-oriented industrial strategies and examines the tools, institutions, partnerships, and capabilities governments need to deliver transformative change. %Z This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions.