         journal = {High Pressure Research},
            note = {This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.},
       publisher = {TAYLOR \& FRANCIS LTD},
            year = {2024},
           title = {EBS status of the large-volume press at beamline ID06-LVP},
           month = {July},
            issn = {0895-7959},
        abstract = {The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)'s large-volume press (LVP) instrument, at beamline ID06-LVP, is in constant evolution and made a significant step-change at the Extremely Brilliant Source upgrade; with improved beam characteristics (stability and focussing) and detection capabilities, with the installation of a custom-built Dectris 900 kW CdTe device. Over the same time-frame, higher pressure regimes have been reached through use of improved 6/6 compression, with the incorporation of a Drickamer device, and through the use of harder carbide grades in 6/8. The combined use of in-situ X-ray diffraction, imaging and pulse-echo ultrasonic high-pressure experiments has been enhanced. Temperature generation and measurement methods have been upgraded. User interaction is improved with live data inspection and treatment possible. Data calibration and integration have been thoroughly revised. Here, we describe the current status and highlight recent upgrades at ID06-LVP, with examples drawn from user measurements and in-house testing.},
          author = {Crichton, Wilson A and Thomson, Andrew R and Rosenthal, Anja and Spektor, Kristina and Druzhbin, Dmitrii and Winkler, Bjoern and Schwarz, Marcus and Wattecamps, Pierre and Kieffer, Jerome and Hino, Ricardo and Van Brussel, Denis and Garlet, Romain and Watier, Yves and Roth, Thomas and Berruyer, Gilles and Valls, Valentin and Mauro, Anthony and Ruat, Marie and Favre-Nicolin, Vincent and Verbeni, Roberto},
             url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08957959.2024.2379354},
        keywords = {High pressure; X-ray diffraction; solid-state chemistry; geoscience; phase diagrams}