%0 Generic
%A Bessin, F
%A Gordienko, V
%A Ferreira, FM
%A Doran, NJ
%D 2024
%F discovery:10193433
%I Optica Publishing Group
%P 1-3
%T Demonstration of a stable, high-performance Mach-Zehnder Polarization-Insensitive Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier
%U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10193433/
%X We demonstrate a Mach-Zehnder architecture for polarization-insensitive fiber optical parametric amplifiers to obtain a noise figure of ∼4.5dB and reduction of nonlinear crosstalk as compared to previously demonstrated PI-FOPAs while demonstrating net gain up to 24dB.
%Z This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.