@incollection{discovery10192842, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, note = {This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.}, pages = {97--90}, booktitle = {Extending Hinge Epistemology}, title = {Something animal, something unpredictable: on the difficulty of finding the beginning and not trying to go further back}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, month = {December}, editor = {Constantine Sandis and Dani{\`e}le Moyal-Sharrock}, year = {2022}, author = {Standish, Paul}, url = {https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/extending-hinge-epistemology/something-animal-something-unpredictable-on-the-difficulty-of-finding-the-beginning-and-not-trying-to-go-further-back/42BE3D8A013FB7F1DC37600DAFDCBA48} }