%K quantum optics dielectric metasurfaces single-photon sources GaAs quantum dot
%V 24
%A PP Iyer
%A S Prescott
%A S Addamane
%A H Jung
%A E Renteria
%A J Henshaw
%A A Mounce
%A TS Luk
%A O Mitrofanov
%A I Brener
%X Advancements in photonic quantum information systems (QIS) have driven the development of high-brightness, on-demand, and indistinguishable semiconductor epitaxial quantum dots (QDs) as single photon sources. Strain-free, monodisperse, and spatially sparse local-droplet-etched (LDE) QDs have recently been demonstrated as a superior alternative to traditional Stranski-Krastanov QDs. However, integration of LDE QDs into nanophotonic architectures with the ability to scale to many interacting QDs is yet to be demonstrated. We present a potential solution by embedding isolated LDE GaAs QDs within an Al0.4Ga0.6As Huygens’ metasurface with spectrally overlapping fundamental electric and magnetic dipolar resonances. We demonstrate for the first time a position- and size-independent, 1 order of magnitude increase in the collection efficiency and emission lifetime control for single-photon emission from LDE QDs embedded within the Huygens’ metasurfaces. Our results represent a significant step toward leveraging the advantages of LDE QDs within nanophotonic architectures to meet the scalability demands of photonic QIS.
%C United States
%J Nano Letters
%N 16
%L discovery10192423
%D 2024
%O This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.
%T Control of Quantized Spontaneous Emission from Single GaAs Quantum Dots Embedded in Huygens’ Metasurfaces
%P 4749-4757