%0 Journal Article %@ 0895-4801 %A Behague, Natalie %A Johnston, Tom %A Letzter, Shoham %A Morrison, Natasha %A Ogden, Shannon %D 2024 %F discovery:10192107 %I Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics %J SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics %K edge-coloring, Mathematics, Mathematics, Applied, Physical Sciences, rainbow, saturation, Science & Technology %N 2 %P 1239-1249 %T The Rainbow Saturation Number Is Linear %U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10192107/ %V 38 %X Given a graphH, we say that an edge-colored graphGisH-rainbow saturated ifit does not contain a rainbow copy ofH, but the addition of any nonedge in any color creates arainbow copy ofH. The rainbow saturation number rsat(n,H) is the minimum number of edgesamong allH-rainbow saturated edge-colored graphs onnvertices. We prove that for any nonemptygraphH, the rainbow saturation number is linear inn, thus proving a conjecture of Gir\~ao, Lewis,and Popielarz. In addition, we give an improved upper bound on the rainbow saturation number ofthe complete graph, disproving a second conjecture of Gir\~ao, Lewis, and Popielarz. %Z This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions.