           pages = {147--212},
            note = {This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.},
            year = {2023},
           title = {"Trouv{\'e}s Dans le M{\^e}me Tombeau": Find-groups Recorded in
Journal d'entr{\'e}e Volume 1 of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo},
          number = {12},
         journal = {Shedet},
       publisher = {Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research},
           month = {October},
          volume = {12},
          author = {Rashed, Mohamed and Quirke, St},
        abstract = {As Michel Dewachter highlighted in 1985, the titlepage on the earliest manuscript of the Journal
d'Entr{\'e}e, the accession registers for the Egyptian
Museum Cairo, identifies it as the finds journal for
"the Excavations of H.H. the Viceroy" Said Pasha,
beginning in 1858, and the first several thousand
entries are in the hand of Auguste Mariette, appointed
by Said as antiquities and museum commissioner.
This article introduces the way in which the registers
took shape, between archaeological sites and museum
plans, and lists the several object assemblages to be
found in the records for the first year 1858-1859. One
group comprises basketry, cosmetic and food vessels,
seal-amulets and the coffin of a woman. These finds
offer an opportunity to assess the record of the deposit
against the items identifiable now, 165 years later, in
the museum, within the wider histories of
archaeological fieldwork, ancient burial practices, and
the vulnerable material frame of the museum
             url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.21608/shedet.2023.207599.1192},
            issn = {2536-9954}