%0 Thesis
%9 Doctoral
%A Zhu, Kan
%B Bartlett School of Planning
%D 2024
%F discovery:10190446
%I UCL (University College London)
%P 325
%T The development of emerging Chinese innovation spaces and the role of the state
%U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10190446/
%X This thesis studies China’s innovation development along with its contemporary urban  transformation. It aims to understand the governance of innovation-driven development in  China. From a political-economic perspective, it builds a theoretical framework for governing  innovation-driven development under state entrepreneurialism. Empirically, this research  explores emerging Chinese innovation spaces with two case studies: Shanghai Zhangjiang  Science City and Nanjing Jiangbei National New Area. Mainly through semi-structured  interviews, this research uses quanlitative-based methods in an exploratory way. Rather than  thinking of innovation governance as state-commanded, this thesis reveal they are marketbased operations. At the same time, they extend the state capacities into industrial governance.  The thesis answers three research questions. First, it studies China’s ongoing innovation  strategies and analyzes the national context for developing Chinese innovation spaces. These  innovation spaces are guided by strengthened state strategies for innovation-driven  development. Second, the implementation of Chinese innovation spaces is incorporated into  urban development. Meanwhile, imperative challenges in China’s urban transformation have  influenced the operation of these innovation spaces. State regulations concerning land  development and high-tech zones have influenced their development models. Third, by  focusing on the role of the state, this research investigates how urban governance facilitates  China’s innovation-driven development and high-tech upgrading. The governance of  Zhangjiang Science City demonstrates a strengthening of national innovation strategies for  knowledge generation and key innovation. Such a rising state centrality is path-breaking for  market-operating state actors. In Jiangbei National New Area, the governance demonstrates an  institutional reform for Nanjing’s industrial restructuring coupling with a multinational lead  firm. Entrepreneurial state actors are created to improve governance for facilitating the takeoff in the semiconductor industry.  This research has three theoretical contributions. First, it engages with the gap in economic  geography-based innovation studies and provides political-economic characteristics of China’s  innovation development, which are beyond knowledge dynamics. Second, it contributes to the  discussion on the transformation of innovation space and offers a contextualized understanding  of innovation-driven development in China. Third, it reflects China’s governance changes  through two innovation-driven urban projects. The study presents the complexity of the state  in implementing rising state innovation strategies through variegated operations and dialogues with the state entrepreneurialism literature in a transformative and grounded manner. This  study fills the gap in understanding how the state institution configures and operates to achieve  its strategic development goals by using market means.
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