TY - JOUR PB - Nature Publishing Group A1 - Dorey, Adam A1 - Howorka, Stefan JF - Nature Chemistry VL - 16 SP - 314 N2 - Sequencing of nucleic acids with nanopores has emerged as a powerful tool offering rapid readout, high accuracy, low cost and portability. This label-free method for sequencing at the single-molecule level is an achievement on its own. However, nanopores also show promise for the technologically even more challenging sequencing of polypeptides, something that could considerably benefit biological discovery, clinical diagnostics and homeland security, as current techniques lack portability and speed. Here we survey the biochemical innovations underpinning commercial and academic nanopore DNA/RNA sequencing techniques, and explore how these advances can fuel developments in future protein sequencing with nanopores. ID - discovery10190381 UR - http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41557-023-01322-x Y1 - 2024/03/06/ KW - Science & Technology KW - Physical Sciences KW - Chemistry KW - Multidisciplinary KW - Chemistry KW - REAL-TIME KW - BIOLOGICAL NANOPORE KW - ALPHA-HEMOLYSIN KW - LIPID-BILAYER KW - MSPA NANOPORE KW - HUMAN GENOME KW - 3 DECADES KW - PROTEIN KW - MEMBRANE KW - TRANSLOCATION N1 - This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher?s terms and conditions. EP - 334 TI - Nanopore DNA sequencing technologies and their applications towards single-molecule proteomics SN - 1755-4330 AV - public ER -