%N 3
%A Michail Spyridis
%A Susana Lopez-Querol
%V 64
%T Installation of open-ended piles: A numerical investigation into the effects on the state of silica sand
%D 2024
%L discovery10189340
%K Pile installation; Sands; Offshore engineering; Numerical methods; CEL; Hypoplasticity
%J Soils and Foundations
%I Elsevier
%O Copyright © 2024 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
%X Up to this day, there are great uncertainties in the design procedures of monopiles, especially
concerning the soil state condition and penetration response during their installation. A
numerical model, based on the Coupled Eulerian method and using the hypoplastic law with
intergranular strain, is proposed and validated in this paper, after which a series of open-ended
pile installation tests have been carried out numerically, to investigate the influence of the
jacked installation on the initial conditions for three types of silica sand. A range of soil densities
and pile diameters is considered in this analysis. A full investigation of the installation forces,
stress level, changes in volume-stress level and voids ratio is conducted. The numerical
solution provided a correlation between the penetration resistance and the granulometric
properties of the studied sands. Subsequently, the radial stresses in the surrounding soil mass
are correlated with the type of sand and its relative density. The stress-volume state of a set of
points in the soil domain during installation is presented and discussed from the critical state
framework, revealing the contribution of the in-situ state in the pile installation. Finally, the
lateral earth pressure resulting after installation is presented.