TI  - Was Norway rich or poor in the year 1000?
KW  - Coin hoards
KW  -  distribution of wealth
KW  -  monetary geography
KW  -  silver economy
KW  - 
Viking Age
KW  -  rikkuse jagunemine
KW  -  rahageograafia
KW  -  hõbedamajandus
KW  - 
UR  - https://shop.ut.ee/en/pood/from-hoard-to-archive-numismatic-discoveries-from-the-baltic-rim-and-beyond-studies-in-honour-of-ivar-leimus/
SP  - 145
EP  - 158
AV  - public
ID  - discovery10189141
N1  - This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher?s terms and conditions.
CY  - Tartu, Estonia
N2  - Large sums of silver flowed across Scandinavia and the Baltic in the late Viking Age ?
but were the proceeds shared evenly? This paper explores the regional distribution of
wealth in Scandinavia and the Baltic in AD 1000, with a particular focus on Norway?s
position on the Viking Age economic ladder.
Hilisviikingiaegses Skandinaavias ja Läänemere idakaldal liikusid suured hõbedakogused, kuid kas tulu jagunes kõikjal võrdselt? See artikkel keskendub rikkuse jagunemisele
Skandinaavias ja Läänemere idakaldal 1000. aasta paiku, keskendudes eelkõige Norra
kohale viikingiaegse majanduse edetabelis.
T2  - From Hoard to Archive: Numismatic Discoveries from the Baltic Rim and Beyond
Y1  - 2023///
A1  - Gullbekk, Svein Harald
A1  - Andrews, Murray
ED  - Russow, Erki
ED  - Dabolin?, Viktors
ED  - Lang, Valter
PB  - University of Tartu Press
ER  -