@incollection{discovery10189141, address = {Tartu, Estonia}, editor = {Erki Russow and Viktors Dabolin{\vs} and Valter Lang}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {From Hoard to Archive: Numismatic Discoveries from the Baltic Rim and Beyond}, pages = {145--158}, title = {Was Norway rich or poor in the year 1000?}, publisher = {University of Tartu Press}, note = {This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.}, author = {Gullbekk, Svein Harald and Andrews, Murray}, url = {https://shop.ut.ee/en/pood/from-hoard-to-archive-numismatic-discoveries-from-the-baltic-rim-and-beyond-studies-in-honour-of-ivar-leimus/}, abstract = {Large sums of silver flowed across Scandinavia and the Baltic in the late Viking Age - but were the proceeds shared evenly? This paper explores the regional distribution of wealth in Scandinavia and the Baltic in AD 1000, with a particular focus on Norway's position on the Viking Age economic ladder. // Hilisviikingiaegses Skandinaavias ja L{\"a}{\"a}nemere idakaldal liikusid suured h{\~o}bedakogused, kuid kas tulu jagunes k{\~o}ikjal v{\~o}rdselt? See artikkel keskendub rikkuse jagunemisele Skandinaavias ja L{\"a}{\"a}nemere idakaldal 1000. aasta paiku, keskendudes eelk{\~o}ige Norra kohale viikingiaegse majanduse edetabelis.}, keywords = {Coin hoards, distribution of wealth, monetary geography, silver economy, Viking Age // M{\"u}ndiaarded, rikkuse jagunemine, rahageograafia, h{\~o}bedamajandus, viikingiaeg} }