         journal = {Teacher Professional Development Research},
           pages = {13--22},
           title = {The Connotation, Condition and Evaluation of Teachers'Continuing Professional Learning and Development: An Interview with Emeritus Professor Christopher Day at University of Nottingham [????????????????????--????????????????.]},
          volume = {6},
            note = {This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.},
          number = {1},
           month = {April},
            year = {2022},
        keywords = {continuing professional learning and development (CPLD); emotional resilience; teacher professionalism; professional learning community},
          author = {Xie, Ping and Liu, Qian and Wang, Xinwei},
             url = {https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10188428/},
        abstract = {Based on the original concepts of teachers' "professional development?PD? " and "continuing/continuous professional development?CPD?", Professor Christopher Day further proposes and emphasizes the concept of teachers' "continuing professional learning and development?CPLD? " in the field of teacher development. He thinks that the CPLD project is essentially a series of intervention activities for teachers' growth, which mainly provides teachers with meaningful learning and development opportunities and content so as to achieve the positive change and sustainable development of schools. In the process of designing and implementing the CPLD project, much attention should be paid to the internal factors of teachers, especially their emotional resilience; meanwhile, in the process of carrying out the CPLD project, schools need to ensure its effectiveness from four aspects, namely, correctly understanding the nature and change of teachers' learning, attaching importance to teachers' professionalism, enhancing the attention of school leaders and creating a professional learning community. Due to the complexity of teachers' work, the measurement and evaluation of the implementation effect of the CPLD project need to explore its effective path and method by constructing a long-term, multi-perspective and three-dimensional evaluation model.}