%D 2007
%P 1-20
%T Spatially Speaking A project by the Geographical Association in Partnership with BECTA, ESRI UK and Digital Worlds
%A Mary Fargher
%O This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions.
%C Sheffield UK
%X With specific reference to Spatially Speaking 2006-7 four key CPD themes have emerged
from this evaluation process:
ï‚· Teachers really do benefit from being given time to think and apply their professional
skills to creative, collaborative curriculum development
ï‚· Developing CPD based around a technology such as GIS requires rigorous planning
for training opportunities and sustained technical support for teachers in their own
 ‘ Cutting edge’ development of teaching and learning (in geography) with GIS is more
likely to occur when more experienced users are given the opportunity to experience
‘quality time’ working together at this level
 There is now a renewed need and a clear CPD opportunity to ‘pin down’ the nature of
Spatially Speaking as an action research project with clear research expectations and
research outcomes for 2007-8
%K GIS, Geography, Schools
%L discovery10188103
%I The Geographical Association