       publisher = {Oxford University Press (OUP)},
           month = {February},
          volume = {527},
            note = {{\copyright} The Author(s) 2023.
Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.},
           pages = {12219--12231},
           title = {The detection of polarized X-ray emission from the magnetar 1E 2259+586},
            year = {2024},
         journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society},
          number = {4},
            issn = {0035-8711},
          author = {Heyl, J and Taverna, R and Turolla, R and Israel, GL and Ng, M and K{\i}rm{\i}z{\i}bayrak, D and Gonz{\'a}lez-Caniulef, D and Caiazzo, I and Zane, S and Ehlert, SR and Negro, M and Agudo, I and Antonelli, LA and Bachetti, M and Baldini, L and Baumgartner, WH and Bellazzini, R and Bianchi, S and Bongiorno, SD and Bonino, R and Brez, A and Bucciantini, N and Capitanio, F and Castellano, S and Cavazzuti, E and Chen, CT and Ciprini, S and Costa, E and De Rosa, A and Monte, ED and Gesu, LD and Lalla, ND and Marco, AD and Donnarumma, I and Doroshenko, V and Dov{\vc}iak, M and Enoto, T and Evangelista, Y and Fabiani, S and Ferrazzoli, R and Garcia, JA and Gunji, S and Hayashida, K and Iwakiri, W and Jorstad, SG and Kaaret, P and Karas, V and Kislat, F and Kitaguchi, T and Kolodziejczak, JJ and Krawczynski, H and Monaca, FL and Latronico, L and Liodakis, I and Maldera, S and Manfreda, A and Marin, F and Marinucci, A and Marscher, AP and Marshall, HL and Massaro, F and Matt, G and Mitsuishi, I and Mizuno, T and Muleri, F and Ng, CY and O'Dell, SL and Omodei, N and Oppedisano, C and Papitto, A and Pavlov, GG and Peirson, AL and Perri, M and Pesce-Rollins, M and Petrucci, PO and Pilia, M and Possenti, A and Poutanen, J and Puccetti, S and Ramsey, BD and Rankin, J and Ratheesh, A and Roberts, OJ and Romani, RW and Sgr{\`o}, C and Slane, P and Soffitta, P and Spandre, G and Swartz, DA and Tamagawa, T and Tavecchio, F and Tawara, Y and Tennant, AF and Thomas, NE and Tombesi, F and Trois, A and Tsygankov, SS and Vink, J and Weisskopf, MC and Wu, K},
             url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad3680},
        abstract = {We report on IXPE, NICER, and XMM-Newton observations of the magnetar 1E 2259+586. We find that the source is significantly polarized at about or above 20 per cent for all phases except for the secondary peak where it is more weakly polarized. The polarization degree is strongest during the primary minimum which is also the phase where an absorption feature has been identified previously. The polarization angle of the photons are consistent with a rotating vector model with a mode switch between the primary minimum and the rest of the rotation of the neutron star. We propose a scenario in which the emission at the source is weakly polarized (as in a condensed surface) and, as the radiation passes through a plasma arch, resonant cyclotron scattering off of protons produces the observed polarized radiation. This confirms the magnetar nature of the source with a surface field greater than about 1015 G.},
        keywords = {polarization, techniques: polarimetric, stars: magnetars, pulsars: individual: 1E 2259+586}