            note = {Copyright {\copyright} Crown copyright 2023.
This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated.
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Where we have identified any third-party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the
copyright holders concerned.},
         address = {London, UK},
       publisher = {Department for Energy Security and Net Zero},
            year = {2024},
           month = {January},
           title = {Defining and identifying complex-to-decarbonise
homes and retrofit solutions:
Annex A - technical report},
          author = {Kelly, Leanne and Houghton, Ed and Hamada, Amr and Cui, Cheng and Raslan, Rokia},
             url = {https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/defining-and-identifying-complex-to-decarbonise-homes},
        abstract = {This research develops a definition for housing stock in which attributes and contextual factors add complexity to improving energy efficiency and utilising low-carbon heating. Based on its review of existing evidence and engagement with key stakeholders, this research uses the phrase 'complex-to-decarbonise' (CTD) to describe this housing stock, rather than 'hard-to-treat' or 'hard-to-heat'. This research describes different approaches to energy efficiency and low-carbon heating in CTD homes.

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero commissioned DG Cities in consortium with University College London's Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering to conduct this research.}