       publisher = {Walter de Gruyter GmbH},
           month = {December},
          volume = {15},
          number = {4},
         journal = {Engineering Management in Production and Services},
            year = {2023},
           title = {Investigation into the Key Barriers to Achieving UK "Construction 2025" Strategy Targets},
            note = {{\copyright} 2023 K. Dziekonski et al. This work is published under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.},
           pages = {116--127},
            issn = {2543-912X},
             url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/emj-2023-0032},
        abstract = {The "Construction 2025" is a United Kingdom (UK) Government Strategy introduced in 2013 to improve the construction industry in the United Kingdom by meeting outlined performance targets by 2025. However, with only a few years left to reach the targets, it is unclear how much industry is advancing to meet them. This paper reviews the progress to achieve the Strategy targets. The data collected from 96 UK construction professionals was utilised to assess the key barriers to achieving the UK "Construction 2025" Strategy targets. Results indicate that industry professionals are uncertain about reaching the reduction in overall cost and time targets by 2025. However, they are more positive about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the trade gap. In terms of the key barriers, the results revealed a reluctance to adopt change, lack of implementation of new technology, fragmentation in the industry, and failure to adopt modern construction methods as the key barriers to the Strategy targets. The research is the first attempt at a comprehensive assessment of the progress and barriers to the UK "Construction 2025" Strategy. The results reinforce the call for government initiatives to transform the industry.},
          author = {Dziekonski, Krzysztof and Mascarenhas, Francis and Mahamadu, Abdul Majeed and Manu, Patrick},
        keywords = {United Kingdom, construction industry, Construction 2025, strategy, barriers}