Inglis, Gordon N;    Bhatia, Rehemat;    Evans, David;    Zhu, Jiang;    Müller, Wolfgang;    Mattey, David;    Thornalley, David JR;         ... Wade, Bridget S; + view all <#>        Inglis, Gordon N;  Bhatia, Rehemat;  Evans, David;  Zhu, Jiang;  Müller, Wolfgang;  Mattey, David;  Thornalley, David JR;  Stockey, Richard G;  Wade, Bridget S;   - view fewer <#>    (2023)    Surface Ocean Cooling in the Eocene North Atlantic Coincides With Declining Atmospheric CO2.                   Geophysical Research Letters , 50  (24)    , Article e2023GL105448.  10.1029/2023gl105448 <>.       Green open access