%0 Generic
%A Jin, Hongguang
%A Gao, Lin
%A Li, Sheng
%A Van Sambeek, Emiel
%A Porter, Richard
%A Mikunda, Tom
%A Wilco Dijkstra, Jan
%A De Coninck, Heleen
%A Jansen, Daan
%C York, UK
%D 2012
%F discovery:10183596
%I Centre for Low Carbon Futures
%N 012
%T Supporting early Carbon Capture Utilisation and  Storage development in non-power industrial sectors,  Shaanxi Province, China
%U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10183596/
%X Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a technology that can prevent the release of large quantities of  CO2 into the atmosphere from the use of fossil fuels in power generation and other industries by  capturing CO2, transporting and then pumping it into underground geologic formations to securely  store it away from the atmosphere. Crucially, and why it is worthy of research, is the fact that CCS is  a potential means of mitigating the contribution of fossil fuel emissions to global warming.  In the context of these reports, Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) refers to the  matching of industrial high-purity CO2 sources, such as those of fertiliser plants or coal-to-liquid fuels  facilities, with a sink industry which would make beneficial use of the captured and transported CO2,  such as Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). The capture of CO2 from industrial high-purity sources  requires much less additional process development than conventional carbon capture from the  power generation industries because the production of pure CO2 is already an inherent part of the  process, often arising from gasification technology. Similarly, the sink industries may require less  development than conventional CO2 storage in geological formations like saline aquifers; hence,  CCUS does not refer here to conventional carbon capture and storage.
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