         journal = {Soils and Rocks},
          number = {3},
            year = {2024},
           title = {The 7th Bishop Lecture: The mechanics of coarse-grained geomaterials at meso- and micro-scales},
          volume = {47},
       publisher = {Associacao Brasileira de Mecanica dos Solos},
            note = {{\copyright} The Author 2024. Original content in this paper is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).},
        keywords = {Particle mechanics, Laboratory apparatus, Sands, Coarse-grained soils},
          author = {Coop, Matthew Richard},
             url = {https://doi.org/10.28927/SR.2024.006723},
        abstract = {In order to move towards discrete analyses of soil behaviour, we need to develop a new range of apparatus and testing techniques. The lecture describes attempts to develop these new apparatus and presents data for a range of coarse-grained geomaterials at the single particle scale. The roles of the particle morphology and hence geological origin are discussed and are shown to influence both the contact mechanics and particle breakage behaviour. The mechanics of single particles are shown to be more complex than generally assumed and will require new means of modelling to account for the significant plasticity that occurs at particle contacts and patterns of breakage that are strongly influenced by the origins of particles and their effect on their morphology.}