%0 Generic %A Christie, N %C London, UK %D 1995 %F discovery:10181682 %I Transport Research Laboratory %N 117 %T The high-risk child pedestrian: socio-economic and environmental factors in their accidents %U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10181682/ %X Mortality statistics show the need to investigate why children in the lowest socio-economic group are much more likely to be killed as pedestrians in road traffic accidents than their counterparts in the highest socio-economic groups. The objective of the study reported here, was to assess the role of socio-economic and environmental factors in child pedestrians accidents. A literature review was carried out (Christie 1995) which indicated that exposure, attitude of the parent or adult carer and environmenal hazard may explain the high accident rate of children in low socio-economic groups. The survey comprised in-depth home interviews amongst 152 school children injured as pedestrians and control sample of 484 school children. A parent or adult carer for each child was also interviewed. A survey of environmental features of the roads where the children lived was also carried out. The surveys took place in Bradford, Bristol, London, Merthyr Tydfil and Reading. Data were collected about the child's exposure on the school journey and whilst playing in the street. The child's parent or adult carer was asked about their home environment and about personal characteristics such as ethnic origin, marital status and work situation. The parent's or adult carer's responses to statements about the accident risk of children in traffic and the responsibilities for safeguarding them were also recorded. Logistic regression modelling was used to analyze the data to identify characteristics associated with accident group membership. A breakdown of these characteristics by socio-economic group was carried out. The implications of findings are discussed with reference to other studies. Potential remedial measures are offered and areas requiring further research identified. %Z This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions.