Y1  - 2022///
ED  - Vickers, Edward
ED  - Pugh, K
ED  - Gupta, L
A1  - Pherali, Tejendra
A1  - Blair, Clancy
A1  - Korostelina, Karina
A1  - Macintyre, Thomas
A1  - Chakraborty, Anya
A1  - Ogunniran, Moses Oladele
CY  - New Delhi, India
N2  - This chapter explores the nexus between
education and confict, positioning
education as a contested domain that shapes,
and is shaped by, a broad range of social,
political, economic and cultural dynamics in
confict-afected societies. On the one hand,
violent conficts and structural violence have
detrimental efects on educational processes and
outcomes. On the other hand, education itself
can (re)produce structural violence in society.
Bringing together the felds of social science and
cognitive neuroscience, this chapter provides
a multi-faceted lens through which to address
the challenges of education in diferent confict
contexts from around the world, highlighting
that the search for a collective peaceful future is
T2  - Reimagining Education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment.
EP  - 394
AV  - public
ID  - discovery10178995
N1  - This publication is available in Open Access under the AttributionShareAlike 3.0 IGO (CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO) licence (http://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/igo/). By using the content of this publication, the
users accept to be bound by the terms of use of the UNESCO Open Access
Repository (http://www.unesco.org/open-access/terms-use-ccbysa-en).
TI  - From perpetrator to peacebuilder: rethinking education in conflict-affected societies
UR  - https://mgiep.unesco.org/iseeareport
SP  - 328
ER  -