%0 Journal Article
%@ 1053-0487
%A Leiva, Rolando
%A Rochaix, Lise
%A Kiefer, Noémie
%A Dupont, Jean-Claude K
%D 2021
%F discovery:10178109
%I Springer Science and Business Media LLC
%J Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
%K Case management, Disability leave, Matched case–control studies, Occupational injuries, Return to work
%P 807-821
%T Evaluating the Impact of Intensive Case Management for Severe Vocational Injuries on Work Incapacity and Costs
%U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10178109/
%V 31
%X Purpose This study investigates the impact of an intensive case management program on sick leave days, permanent work incapacity levels and treatment costs for severe vocational injuries set up by the French National Insurance Fund in five health insurance districts. Methods The method employed relies on a four-step matching procedure combining Coarsened Exact Matching and Propensity Score Matching, based on an original administrative dataset. Average Treatment effects on the Treated were estimated using a parametric model with a large set of covariates. Results After one-year follow-up, workers in the treatment group had higher sickness absence rates, with 22 extra days, and the program led to 2.7 (95% CI 2.3–3.1) times more diagnoses of permanent work incapacity in the treatment group. With an estimated yearly operational cost of 2,722 € per treated worker, the average total extra treatment cost was 4,569 € for treated workers, which corresponds to a cost increase of 29.2% for the insurance fund. Conclusions The higher costs found for the treatment group are mainly due to longer sick leave duration for the moderate severity group, implying higher cash transfers in the form of one-off indemnities. Even though workers in the treated group have more diagnoses of permanent work incapacity, the difference of severity between groups is small. Our results on longer sick leave duration are partly to be explained by interactions between the case managers and the occupational physicians that encouraged patients to stay longer off-work for better recovery, despite the higher costs that this represented for the insurance fund and the well-documented adverse side effects of longer periods off-work.
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