%N 2 %V 1 %A Jennifer Bain %A Lili Golmohammadi %A Jay McCauley Bowstead %T Mapping Disjunctions in Design Learning: Toward a Pedagogy of Possibility %E Vehicles for Experimental Practice %D 2017 %L discovery10177911 %K Design Learning, Critical Pedagogy %J Multiplexer %I Vehicles for Experimental Practice %O This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions. %X As part of an ethnographic design learning series, we use excerpts from learning discourses to map a path from disjunction in design learning toward a pedagogy of possibility. Illuminating the role of students as one where they often conform to the rules and procedures of 'others' these learner-to-learner, learner-to-teacher and teacher-to-teacher exchanges consider such diverse concepts as design orthodoxies, uncovering disjunction and disrupting hierarchies in design learning. We pose questions around voice, power and empowerment, advancing an idea of higher education vocabulary that includes such terms as self-confidence, hope, journey, energy, engagement, independence, being and becoming. Through this shift we conceptualise multiple design learning voices, building shared understandings of learners and teachers as active collaborators and co-producers. Moving toward a pedagogy of possibility that is about the not yet known, going beyond a focus on intellect to consider the commitment, openness, wonder and passion that are integral to design learning. We offer a perspective on how pedagogy might be revitalised through an ontological approach to higher education design programmes. %C London, UK