N1  - This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher?s terms and conditions.
KW  - Supply chains
KW  -  Disruptions
PB  - Cambridge University Land Society
A1  - El Daouk, Mohamad
AV  - restricted
TI  - Supply chains and adversity, in: Cambridge University Land Society Magazine (2022)
Y1  - 2023/01/25/
UR  - https://issuu.com/culandsoc/docs/culs_magazine_2022_single_pages_10.01.2023_2_/98
ID  - discovery10177162
N2  - Former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once said: ?there is no education like adversity?. Life at its essence is as unpredictable as nature is variegated in decoration. Humans innately find comfort in normalcy until calamity thwarts the contemporality of life. Faced with calamity, humans strive to liberate themselves from restraint only to find new normalcy; somewhat like the past but better adapted to the future. In any case, life is everchanging, and it behoves humans to find solace in interim normalcies, until being compelled to finding forthcoming ones. It is this very yearning for liberation during adversity in which education is conceived.
All of this sounds dandy. The aforesaid may very well be true in the case of COVID-19, but perhaps less true in the case of climate change. Covid-19 has resulted in a world better adapted to global pandemics and has transformed the rate at which medicine advances. Climate change, on the other hand, has long loomed ahead of humanity. Many adversities it has created, but to no avail. Humans have been unable to effectively respond to the impacts of climate change, rendering education impervious to adversity. Irrespective of these two outcomes, overall, humans continuously adapt. Adversity cannot be confined to specific happenings and calamities; they are part of life as much as education is part of adversity. This article is by no means intended to be academic, but rather, an interlink between Disraeli?s quote, the author?s personal opinions, and the subtheme of this year?s Cambridge University Land Society Magazine? supply chains!
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