@article{discovery10160792, title = {Effects of yoga-based interventions on cognitive function in healthy older adults: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials}, journal = {Complementary Therapies in Medicine}, month = {May}, volume = {58}, year = {2021}, publisher = {Elsevier BV}, note = {Copyright {\copyright} 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).}, abstract = {Background: The world's elderly population is growing. Physical activity has positive effects on health and cognition, but is decreasing among the elderly. Interest in yoga-based exercises has increased in this population, especially as an intervention targeting balance, flexibility, strength, and well-being. Recent interest has arisen regarding yoga's potential benefits for cognition. / Objective: To systematically review evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining the effects of yoga-based interventions on cognitive functioning in healthy adults aged {$\ge$}60. A secondary aim was to describe intervention characteristics and, where possible, the extent to which these influenced study outcomes. / Method: The review was conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines. Searches were performed from inception to June 2020 using the following electronic databases: (1) PubMed (NLM); (2) Embase (Elsevier); (3) Cochrane Central (Wiley); (4) PsycINFO (EBSCOhost); and (5) Cinahl (EbscoHost). / Inclusion criteria: RCTs of yoga-based interventions assessing cognition in healthy adults {$\ge$}60 years. Risk of bias was assessed using the revised Cochrane risk of bias tool. / Results: A total of 1466 records were initially identified; six studies (5 unique trials) were included in the review. Four of the six articles reported significant positive effects of yoga-based interventions on cognition, including gross memory functioning and executive functions. Intervention characteristics and assessment methods varied between studies, with a high overall risk of bias in all studies. / Conclusion: Yoga-based interventions are associated with improvements in cognition in healthy older adults. Adequately powered RCTs with robust study designs and long-term follow-ups are required. Future studies should explicitly report the intervention characteristics associated with changes in cognitive function.}, author = {Hoy, S and {\"O}sth, J and Pascoe, M and Kandola, A and Hallgren, M}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctim.2021.102690}, issn = {0965-2299}, keywords = {Exercise, Yoga, Cognition, Older adults, Randomized controlled trials, Intervention characteristics} }