@inproceedings{discovery10158449, note = {This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.}, address = {Edinburgh, UK}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Radar 2022 International Conference on Radar Systems}, publisher = {IET Radar, Sonar \& Navigation}, year = {2022}, month = {October}, title = {Performance of Range and Velocity Estimation in a Multistatic Radar Network with Receiver Swarms}, author = {Dhulashia, Dilan and Temiz, Murat and Ritchie, Matthew}, abstract = {This research provides an analysis of the theoretical performance of a multistatic radar system comprised of a single active LFM transmitter and many distributed receivers within a swarm. The Cram{\'e}r-Rao Lower Bounds on the range and velocity estimation errors of a subset of receivers, including the best performers within the swarm, are used as a performance metric and a Monte-Carlo approach is used to simulate the vignettes containing random distributions of node locations. The performance improvement based on the receiver swarm containment volume and number of receivers within the swarm are presented.}, url = {https://radar2022.theiet.org/}, keywords = {MULTISTATIC RADAR, CRAM{\'E}R-RAO LOWER BOUNDS, ESTIMATION ERROR, DISTRIBUTED RECEIVERS} }