%K Exhibition, Lighting, Photographic Materials, Display Condition
%L discovery10158031
%D 2019
%A Saya Miles
%A Jenny Harvey
%X “The Origin of Photography” was a groundbreaking exhibition which took place in Spring 2019 at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum. It showcased the British photographic treasures in a context that illuminates the influence of English and Scottish forerunners in the history of photography. It challenged the long held view of the origins of photography in Japan and it was the first-ever exhibition that displayed so many original copies of historical photographic materials held by British institutions. 
The Historic England Archive received an object loan request for thirty items of its archival holding to be displayed in the exhibition. Despite the fact that the museum recently completed thorough renovation work of the building and is now equipped with the state-of-the-art exhibition and storage facilities, the archive was very cautious about loaning out such historically significant and delicate objects; especially the display of Calotypes with transmitted light caused the biggest concern. 
The museum offered to create special exhibition cases for displaying the Calotypes equipped with OLED light which emit no UV and minute amount of heat. The archive conservators were heavily involved with determining the specification of the case. The conservators also explored the mounting method using special acrylic boards to minimise harmful contaminants and radiation as much as possible. 
 After both sides were satisfied as the result of careful planning, numerous discussions and preparation, the objects travelled to Tokyo, were displayed and came home safely. 
 This is a case-study of how the protective parents (HE Archive) and the sincere borrowing institution (TOP Museum) achieved the safe display of Calotypes by utilising the latest technology in close collaboration across time zones, language and 1000s of miles.
%T Proud to be Protective Parents: A Case Study of Safe Display of Calotype Negatives in Tokyo
%C Belfast, UK