%0 Journal Article %A Gerbatin, RR %A Augusto, J %A Morris, G %A Campbell, A %A Worm, J %A Langa, E %A Reschke, CR %A Henshall, DC %D 2022 %F discovery:10158025 %I Society for Neuroscience %J eNeuro %K Dravet syndrome; miR-134; oligonucleotides; seizure; SUDEP %N 5 %P 1-9 %T Investigation of MicroRNA-134 as a Target against Seizures and SUDEP in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome %U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10158025/ %V 9 %X Dravet syndrome (DS) is a catastrophic form of pediatric epilepsy mainly caused by noninherited mutations in the SCN1A gene. DS patients suffer severe and life-threatening focal and generalized seizures which are often refractory to available anti-seizure medication. Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) based approaches may offer treatment opportunities in DS. MicroRNAs are short noncoding RNAs that play a key role in brain structure and function by post-transcriptionally regulating gene expression, including ion channels. Inhibiting miRNA-134 (miR-134) using an antimiR ASO (Ant-134) has been shown to reduce evoked seizures in juvenile and adult mice and reduce epilepsy development in models of focal epilepsy. The present study investigated the levels of miR-134 and whether Ant-134 could protect against hyperthermia-induced seizures, spontaneous seizures and mortality (SUDEP) in F1.Scn1a(1/)tm1kea mice. At P17, animals were intracerebroventricular in-jected with 0.1–1 nmol of Ant-134 and subject to a hyperthermia challenge at postnatal day (P)18. A second cohort of P21 F1.Scn1a(1/)tm1kea mice received Ant-134 and were followed by video and EEG monitoring until P28 to track the incidence of spontaneous seizures and SUDEP. Hippocampal and cortical levels of miR-134 were similar between wild-type (WT) and F1.Scn1a(1/)tm1kea mice. Moreover, Ant-134 had no effect on hyperthermia-induced seizures, spontaneous seizures and SUDEP incidence were unchanged in Ant-134-treated DS mice. These findings suggest that targeting miR-134 does not have therapeutic applications in DS. %Z © 2022 Gerbatin et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).