Ucci, Marcella;    Ortegon, Adriana;    Mead, Naomi;    Godward, Catherine;    Rahman, Aamnah;    Islam, Shahid;    Pleace, Nicholas;         ... Christie, Nicola; + view all <#>        Ucci, Marcella;  Ortegon, Adriana;  Mead, Naomi;  Godward, Catherine;  Rahman, Aamnah;  Islam, Shahid;  Pleace, Nicholas;  Albert, Alexandra;  Christie, Nicola;   - view fewer <#>    (2022)    Exploring the Interactions between Housing and Neighbourhood Environments for Enhanced Child Wellbeing: The Lived Experience of Parents Living in Areas of High Child Poverty in England, UK.                   International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 19  (19)    , Article 12563.  10.3390/ijerph191912563 <https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191912563>.       Green open access