%0 Journal Article
%A King, B
%A Swain, J
%D 2022
%F discovery:10156147
%I SAGE Publications
%J Journal of Men's Studies
%T Resources and Strategies Used by Young, Black Men to Gain Status on an Inner-City London Estate
%U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10156147/
%X This paper delineates the resources and strategies that three young black men use to gain status and construct and perform an often-violent street masculinity on a London (UK) housing estate. Ethnographic fieldwork occurred in 2019 during a growing moral panic about youth violence and knife crime. Referring to resources as types of capital, they are categorised under the four headings of economic, social, linguistic, cultural, and physical. Central to the research is the material body, which we view as both an agent and object of the practices through which young black men produce their masculinities.
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